Technical Assistance for Uzbekistan Energy Efficiency Loan

Relevant References

relevante referencer

Advisory Services for a National Energy Efficiency Program in Oman on Government Buildings Energy Audits & Retrofits

We assist AER in establishing a five-year roll-out program to establish the ESCO market in Oman. We will recommend working models, provide guidelines for a well-planned program and provide support throughout the first phase of the program roll-out.

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2019 - 2020

EE Building Codes,Energy Audit,Energy Efficiency,ESCO,Research,Strategy & Action Plan

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EE Building Codes,Energy Audit,Energy Efficiency,ESCO,Research,Strategy & Action Plan

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Energy efficiency and sustainable transition to the Turkish textile sector using Danish technology UTG Canicas pilot case

The assignment, issued by the Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs in cooperation with the Tarde Council of Turkey, requires the Consultant to make a detailed mapping of the potential for energy-savings based on Danish technology in an industrial textile company UTG Canicas with approximately...

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2021 - 2022

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Consultancy Support for the Identification and Formulation Missions in the Field of Energy Efficiency/Sustainable Energy

We have performed a mapping of the activities of donors and multilateral actors, and description of donor coordination mechanisms.

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2014 - 2015

Energy Efficiency

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Energy Efficiency

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