The Department of Mineral Resources and Energy (DMRE) is mandated in terms of the Energy Act (Act 34 of 2008) to collect and analyse energy use data, as well as information on energy efficiency improvements. To this end, Department of Mineral Resources and Energy is in the process of finalizing amendments to the regulations on mandatory provision of energy data published in February 2012 to include the requirement for routine reporting of energy data and submission of energy management plans for various sectors, whilst the submission of end-use data will be for all entities consuming above 160TJ per annum. On the other hand, energy management plans will have to be submitted by all entities consuming above 400 TJ per annum in order to support monitoring of energy efficiency targets of the National Energy Efficiency Strategy post 2015. The Energy Efficiency Target Monitoring System will be used to collect, analyse and report on the findings using the data from companies which meet the thresholds outlined in the draft regulations for energy reporting.
The objective of this assignment is to enhance the design of the CED to enable the monitoring and reporting of energy efficiency information and implement and roll-out a web-based Energy Efficiency Monitoring Target System (EETMS) that will enable electronic collection of data from data suppliers at company and facility levels as well as industry association where necessary. the system must also be able to validate, analyse and generate reports on the South Africa’s energy efficiency improvement at economic wide and sector levels.
For this assignment, the services provided from our side were including undertaking a study that analyses government energy efficiency data collection and monitoring systems in Canada, New Zealand and India, and other relevant international systems and best practices, undertaking an analysis of the energy consumption and activity data collection methodologies, and the current energy efficiency monitoring system that has been recently completed by the Department of Mineral Resources Energy, developing the system architecture and functionality description to provide ablueprint for the development of the EE Monitoring System, compiling a detailed system development and rollout plan that clearly describes: (i) the various activities to be carried out in order to develop, test and implement the inventory; (ii) key products or milestones; and (iii) timing and key delivery dates, implement the approved system development and rollout plan and once the system is ready for use, the consultants will work with willing significant data suppliers selected by DMRE in the further testing of the system, working with the project partners in the development of documents to be published on the Central Energy Database aimed at assisting energy consumption and production data suppliers in the use of the system, working with the DMRE team coordinating the broader institutional development process to detail the necessary organisational structure within the DMRE to efficiently and effectively manage and operate the EE Monitoring System (describes the various proposed posts together with detailed job descriptions; skills profiles for the proposed posts; and provides a clear budget for personnel and operational expenditure).
Based on the lessons learned from the implementation of the activities in respect of the EE Monitoring re-design Pilot Project, compile a user-friendly operational manual for the DMRE staff that clearly outlines all the steps required to operate the EE Monitoring System, carry out all the work required to successfully host a workshop to discuss and test the draft operational Manual and workshop strategies to develop the required implementation capacity within the DMRE and other national departments, and carry out all the activities required to develop a comprehensive capacity development plan for DMRE and other national departments.