The overall objective of the project will be to contribute to the improvement of the quality of energy audits for all end users, including industries and SMEs by locally trained energy auditors. Energy audits will then be used by technical designers for the successful implementation of EE programmes in the areas of residential and public buildings as well as in industries and SMEs.
The purposes of this contract were including design and implement an initial training (train-the-trainers approach) and continuous professional development (CPD) for energy auditors to ensure high-quality energy audits of residential and public buildings and industry, design and organise CPD for technical designers, providing knowledge on energy auditing and best practice on EE implementation in the buildings sector, increasing networking and visibility of the profession of energy auditor with the opening of business opportunities as well as development and expansion of the profession at a decentralised level covering geographically the entire country and at the same time strengthening the role of women auditors, and providing a comprehensive mapping of obstacles and make recommendations for improvement of policy and legislative framework on energy audits and energy performance certificates.
The services we provided for this project consisted of five components there are focusing on legal and market analysis related to energy audits in Ukraine, train the trainers scheme, training for energy auditors and technical designers, elaboration of testing, examination, qualification, attestation and/or certification systems for energy auditors and technical designers, and creation of regional network for energy auditors and enhancement of the women’s role.