EU support to the National Energy Regulator of South Africa (NERSA)

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Central project evaluation of the project “Promoting the development of a Green Hydrogen Economy for South Africa”

The evaluation approach is results-based and centered on usability and to promote sustainable development. GIZ evaluations are independent, conducted by external evaluation teams, steered by a corporate unit to deliver evidence-based findings, and generate recommendations, increase transparency and

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South Africa


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Technical Assistance to support the dialogue with European partners on a Strategic National Smart Grid Vision for the South African electricity industry

We provided technical assistance including energy policy dialogue and analysis to support European partners on a Strategic National Smart Grid Vision.

Ikon af jordkloden

South Africa

2016 - 2017

Policy Advisory,Training & Capacity Buildings

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Policy Advisory,Training & Capacity Buildings

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Enhancement and Extension of the Department of Mineral Resources and Energy - Centralised Energy Database to include the Energy Consumption Data and Modalities of the Energy Efficiency Target Monitoring System

The Department of Mineral Resources and Energy (DMRE) is mandated in terms of the Energy Act (Act 34 of 2008) to collect and analyse energy use data, as well as information on energy efficiency improvements. To this end, Department of Mineral Resources and Energy is in the process of...

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South Africa


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