This project was part of the Aarhus Municipality ambitious goal of reducing CO2 emissions to achieve the municipality's overall goal of being CO2-neutral by 2030. DEM performed total consultancy for Aarhus Municipality in connection with energy renovation of 100 properties (municipal non-residential buildings) .
The project primarily deals with day care institutions, clubs and playgrounds. In the project, in addition to project management, DEM was responsible for the entire process from performing energy audits/screening, user involvement, design and implementation of the best total economic solution proposals. The execution of the energy saving measures were carried out on properties that are in operation at the same time, which required a close dialogue with both the Aa + project secretariat and the users on the individual properties/institutions. In connection with the implementation of the energy saving measures, DEM was responsible for the construction management and professional supervision. In addition, we ensured that the technical facilities were commissioned correctly to ensure the energy savings and a healthy indoor climate (including sunlight and lighting) on the individual property.
Previously in the Aa + project, we have been the client's consultant for Aarhus Municipality and helped to challenge the usual way of thinking about energy renovation projects by e.g. to develop an economic model that Aarhus Municipality has implemented in the project. DEM services covered project assessment, preparation, implementaion and capacity building of municipality staff. The specific services provided by DEM included feasibility studies to the arrangement of the most optimal model for the project - ensuring the quality of the energy savings as well as the form of collaboration between consultant and contractor, project management in terms of continuous process consultation regarding the establishment of the collaboration between client, consultant, contractors, screening partners and others involved in the project, project management in terms of continuous process consultation, during all phases of implementation of the 67 million EURO program identifying energy renovation projects including district heating sub stations. This includes the incorporation of municipal and other regulatory requirements, procurement and construction of all activities, contracts and procurement management support, development of institutional capacity towards energy efficiency and energy management, implementation of an Energy Management System in accordance with ISO 50001, form feasibility study to the management of the overall design phase and procurement, and assistance for the rolling out of municipal energy management.