"This opportunity takes place within the context of the EU funding application for the Romanian Large Infrastructure Operational programme 2014-2020 (LIOP), by the Romanian Municipalities - Oradea, Timisoara, Ramnicu Valcea, Botosani, Focsani, Bacau and Iasi – for the implementation and improvement of the energy efficiency of the cities’ district heating systems as well as the reliability and quality of heat supply to customers by rehabilitating particularly degraded parts of the heat transmission and distribution networks.
Upon recommendation by JASPERS (Joint Assistance to Support Projects in European Regions), the managing authority of the LIOP encouraged for increased support of the Municipalities applications in form of studies aimed at outlining a business strategy, long-term investment and development plans (LTIDP) for the DH systems of each Municipality.
The main objective of this assignment is henceforth to produce a Business strategy and long-term investment and development plans (LTIDP) which will identify and describe measures that will contribute towards improved and fully sustainable District Heating systems in 3 Municipalities – Oradea, Focsani and Bacau - within a reference period of 20 years and thus make them eligible for the EU funding application for the Romanian Large Infrastructure Operational programme (LIOP).
The purpose of the assignment is to assist the EIB PAS Team in their support to MA LIOP and the Beneficiaries of European Funded Projects in the District Heating Sector (Local Authorities and Operators of District Heating Systems) for the Municipalities of Oradea, Focsani and Bacau (hereafter, the “Recipients”). For the success of the implementation, the experts are in close contact with the MA LIOP/MEF, EIB officials and Project implementation Unit (PIU) as well as local authorities.
To achieve improved DH systems the selected experts of the DEM/Eqo Nixus consortium conduct the following activities as review and update of data, and analysis of the business strategy and operational performance of the DH service/operator. The analysis and proposals for improvement of the business strategy and operational performance shall focus on the same areas as for the data collection and review institutional set-up and contractual arrangements, technical area, including management of the DH assets, operations and staff, commercial area, including management of the DH services, unit heat cost and tariff setting, relations with the regulatory offices for the energy sector and public utilities (ANRE, ANRSC),, financial area, including profitability, liquidity and debt management as well as cost accounting. Final Outputs that were achieved included final SWOT analysis and revised Business Strategy for DH services, long term investment and development plan with priority investment and organizational plan, financial sustainability analysis and model, and endorsement of the Business strategy and LTIDP by the Municipalities. "