Power Sector Reform Program - Vietnam

Relevant References

relevante referencer

Multi Study Agreement for the EnDev Phase Out Country (POC): Exit and Ex-Post

EnDev promotes energy access in developping countries, and DEM has completed ex-post and exit studies to assess the longer term impact and sustaianbility...

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Bolivia, Burkina Faso, Cambodia, Ghana, Guatemala, Honduras, Indonesia, Nepal, Nicaragua, Peru, Vietnam

2021 - 2023

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Contributions to state adoption and implementation of the Nigerian Building Energy Efficiency Code (BEEC) including energy auditing of public buildings

The Nigerian Building Energy Efficiency Code (BEEC) was developed in 2017.‍Through this project we support the Nigerian Ministry of Power, Works and Housing (Housing Sector) and at least three selected states on building energy efficiency implementation strategy.

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2018 - 2020

EE Building Codes,Energy Audit,Energy Efficiency,Strategy & Action Plan,Training & Capacity Buildings

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EE Building Codes,Energy Audit,Energy Efficiency,Strategy & Action Plan,Training & Capacity Buildings

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Integrated Resource Planning with Strategic Environmental Assessment for Sustainable Power Sector Development in the Greater Mekong Subregion

Demand for energy, and particularly electricity, across the Greater Mekong Subregion (GMS)has risen strongly, often at a faster rate pace than economic growth. ‍The growing demand for electricity will require a major expansion of the power system.

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2016 - 2019

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