Energy Market Landscape Study and Preparation and Design of Energy and Environment Partnership Southern and East Africa Trust Fund

Relevant References

relevante referencer

Technical Assistance for the Monitoring of the Energy Facility’s Projects Financed under the 10th EDF

We were requested by the European Commission to assist in the monitoring of contracts of the Energy Facility’s call for proposals. We supported the EU Delegations and ACP Secretariat in the monitoring of the over 100 projects financed under the Energy Facility.

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ACP Region (Africa, Caribbean, and Pacific countries)

2011 - 2019

Energy Facility,Monitoring & Evaluation

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Energy Facility,Monitoring & Evaluation

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Multi Study Agreement for the EnDev Phase Out Country (POC): Exit and Ex-Post

EnDev promotes energy access in developping countries, and DEM has completed ex-post and exit studies to assess the longer term impact and sustaianbility...

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Bolivia, Burkina Faso, Cambodia, Ghana, Guatemala, Honduras, Indonesia, Nepal, Nicaragua, Peru, Vietnam

2021 - 2023

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