The Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH has been supporting India in its efforts towards renewable energy and energy efficiency since 1995. The overall Indo-German Energy Programme (IGEN) has committed itself to take India’s energy agenda forward, focusing primarily on the Perform, Achieve, Trade (PAT) scheme, which has led to huge reductions in CO2 emissions and the use of coal.
Subject to this evaluation assignment is the Indo-German development cooperation project ‘Energy Efficiency Industry and Data’ that seeks to build capacities of the non-PAT industries in India’s secondary steel, pulp and paper sectors to implement energy-efficient measures.
This will help boost India’s contributions to goals set down in the National Strategic Plan for Energy Efficiency and the Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs), which include the reduction of emission intensity by 45% in 2030 compared to 2005 levels, 50 per cent of which is expected to come from increased energy efficiency.
Evaluation questions are tailored to evaluate the relation between the project and the programme (e.g., synergies between the projects in the programme and the project’s contribution to the programme).
The central project evaluation (CPE) is divided into 3 phases:
- an inception phase, including an inception mission and mission workshop, covering all important aspects of the project and the stakeholders’ perspectives, establishing evaluability i.e. the examination of the project's results logic (theory of change), the collection of evaluation questions from the partner and target group perspective and finally the examination of available data, among other things, from the partner systems. The result of the inception phase is the inception report.
- a data collection and evaluation phase, including an on-site evaluation mission to collect the necessary data for the evaluation by conducting interviews with the involved stakeholders and by other methods defined in the inception phase. Data are then analysed, triangulated, assessed, and validated systematically. Based on the findings, the evaluation report is elaborated.
- a post-evaluation phase where the evaluation results are condensed into various formats to foster and facilitate the utilisation of central project evaluations. This includes creation of specific CPE short GIZ formats for publication purposes, preparation, and delivery of the presentation of the reflection meeting “Evaluated – what next?”, and finalisation of the evaluation report and incorporation of comments from the different parties involved.